Or not, you decide.
I'm sure you're thinking the close call between you and Bill Brady was due to the nation-wide swing away from Democrats, the scare tactics that have been implemented over the past several months. To a certain degree you're right, but not entirely.
Some people voted party lines, Jabba the Hut could be on the ballot for a party and he would get the votes for that party from these folks. Some people thought both you and Bill Brady were horrific choices, so they went with the party they lean closest to in order to not throw away their votes. Traditionally you could lean comfortably on that margin that didn't want to waste their votes, whether they liked you or not, but this may be the last season you can bank on that.
The Tea Party made quite a showing in this election, and members of the Coffee Party were appalled at the lack of turn out this time around. Both groups will be planning on being more influential, possibly even entering their own candidates, next time around. What if one of these groups had decided to throw their support behind Scott Lee Cohen or Rich Whitney?
The unions debated on supporting you because your tactics mirror Blagojevich's too much. So know you're being watched, reported on, and judged. The citizens of Illinois won't tolerate the games we endured with Blagojevich. No more job cutting, pay freezes, deferred raises, or lay offs on the working stiff level. No threatening to close a prison or other facility that employs Illinois residents because a stateman refused to back your pet project. No more short changing pensions for a retired state employee that squeaked by on less than $50,000 a year while working in order to continue paying dead beat former politicians like Roland Burris six figure pensions. On our level, we are required to put in 25 years of service to receive full pension, and our pensions are half of his, if that. Your level should have the same requirements.
More than 2 million Illinoisans live at or below the poverty level. That's up 24% in the last decade. These are your constituents, these are the voters. These are the people you are suppose to be looking out for. We suffered under Ryan, we suffered under Blagojevich. It's no longer a party issue, it's a matter of you keeping in mind that all of us that make less than $100,000 a year are waiting and watching. And I intend to be here to sort out the facts from the rhetoric, nationally but even more closely in my own state. Govern wisely or you may be the next on the unemployment line.
**If you agree, leave a comment and pass it around. He needs to hear us.**
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