Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Wondering About my AdSense... And Michele Bachmann

I'm feeling sabotaged.

I put AdSense ads on my page because, hey, in this economy every little bit counts, right?  OK, who wants to click an ad to support Donald Trump on a page they came to in order to read a liberal blogger?  Several times I've noticed conservative ads on my page.

In case you don't know, AdSense doesn't let you pick out suitable ads, the ads change randomly and you never know what you're going to get.  So feel free to ignore them, or click the hell out of them without giving them any actual support or business.  Let them pay me for getting nothing from my site.


OK, on to business...

The main reason I came to blog today was something I saw on Good Morning America today.  Michele Bachmann.

I know, I know.  Everybody knows she is not known for using actual facts, but she's laying the ground work for her possible presidential run in 2012 and her tactics are already showing through.

When George Stephanopoulus pressed her on how letting those that make more than $250,000 a year pay more in taxes would help the deficit she tried to say that President Obama WANTED the rich to have their tax cuts.  She was in the Senate when that battle took place, was she asleep?

Did she forget that House Republicans weren't going to let the rest of us have our tax cuts if they didn't approve the cuts for the rich too?  Somebody needs to remind Bachmann that thanks to these new fangled gadgets like TVs, interwebz, and the like make it possible for all of us to know what's going on in Congress.  At least she isn't pretending there's a difference between a birth certificate and a certificate of live birth.  I guess she has that over Captain Comb-Over...

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