You would not believe how many people think I'm a Tea Party supporter, or at the very least a conservative, because of my background and layout. Well, I'm not. I'm a proud liberal American, and I'm determined to keep my country on its path of progression despite the attempts to make it a Totalitarian Oligarchy. You can tell I'm not a conservative or Tea Partier because I use the labels properly. Look them up.
I chose my layout because I AM a proud American. I AM patriotic. I AM part of We The People. I DO believe in the Constitution. I believe that the Constitution is a living document, that was designed to evolve with the needs of the citizenry it protects. I believe the language of the Constitution is much clearer and plainer than most people seem to believe, and that the intent is clear.
It is my patriotic duty, my Constitutional obligation, to make it as clear for others as possible. Too often lately it has been picked through and misinterpreted. Now is the time to make all things political much clearer before we throw it all away thinking we're supporting it.
I Am Just a Writer,
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