Health Care Reform

H.R.3590   Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act

The link above is the complete act as registered in the Library of Congress.  I will be referencing this while translating the act into the simplest of terms for all that feel it is too long and complicated to read themselves.  I will be posting each section (or partial section) as individual blog posts, providing a link here to make referencing them easier.  This will be time consuming, so feel free to check back periodically to look for updates.

Attached to H.R. 3590 are several bills, some that have been passed and some that were proposed as amendments that didn't pass.  I will do my best to cover those as well.  If they are lengthy I will address them in the same manner I intend to address the Affordable Care Act, if they are brief, I will just explain them here.  I'll also provide links to relevant articles.

Happy Reading!

Article Links:

The Contradiction of Repealing Reform

H.R. 3590 Synopsis Links:

H.R.4872  Health Care and Education Reconciliation Act of 2010

H.CON.RES.254  Correcting the enrollment of H.R. 3590

Mr. STUPAK (for himself, Mr. BERRY, Mr. BISHOP of Georgia, Mr. CAO, Mrs. DAHLKEMPER, Mr. DRIEHAUS, Ms. KAPTUR, Mr. LIPINSKI, Mr. MOLLOHAN, Mr. RAHALL, and Mr. ELLSWORTH) submitted this resolution.

This resolution was submitted as a stall tactic, and reason to blame, by the above listed representatives.  It is completely redundant due to Hyde Amendment, which is "An amendment to prohibit the use of any funds appropriated in the bill for any abortion except, when it is necessary to save the life of the mother or when the pregnancy is the result of an act of rape or incest."  This statement is pulled directly from the Library of Congress record as the statement of purpose for this amendment.

H. Con. Res. 254  was only meant to derail H.R. 3590 and make the democrats that voted against it appear to be in favor of federally funding abortions.