Sunday, January 9, 2011

STOP, Listen, Learn, THEN Report ~ Tulsa Shooting

"Haste makes waste."  Have you heard that one before?

While trying to learn more about the shooting of Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords, Judge John Roll, and the others I have heard an absolutel litany of assumption, misinformation, and flat-out false reports.

At this time Congresswoman Giffords is NOT, nor has she been, deceased.  She did suffer a serious gunshot wound to the head, but the words her doctors are using to describe her condition are "cautiously hopeful".

It is thought that Giffords was the primary target of the shooting.  A nine year old child that was born on 9/11 was killed in the shooting.  Her name was Christina Taylor Green(e), depending on which source you use.

It's a horrific incident now matter how you look at it, but why report the congresswoman as deceased prematurely?  How awful for the family members that heard this before finding out the truth.

I have seen articles declaring that this was politically based (blame Palin), religious based (because she's a Jew), and various other causes.  Slow down.  We won't know the reason for his madness until he starts talking.  Clearly he had distorted ideas about a lot of people and things, but it isn't clear yet why he did it.  I'm sure there's a good chance some extreme beliefs have entered his head from listening to some extreme rhetoric from some source, but which source is still in question.

Let's not make a horrible incident worse with poor reporting and speculation.  Better to get it right than to get it first.

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