I was just posting on a DCCC thread on Facebook and I received the most shocking response I could even being to imagine.
We were discussing health care, hot topic in America today. The thread didn't start with that topic, but like most it ended up there. A "gentleman" told me that I was full of BS... well, here are his words verbatum:
"grace, thats b s. even the homeless will not get turned down @ the hospital. where im from anyway. and the so called experts from stanford u claim, are a bunch of left wing socialist extremist!"
This was in response to my post:
"... you sure do jump to conclusions. I was commenting on how things happened in Russia, not approval for it. Take smaller steps, you might get better answers. Cuba's health care system isn't perfect, but it is in great shape. At least the experts at Standford think it's worth studying. http://www.wired.com/wiredscience/2010/04/cuban-health-lessons/
BTW, I love the concept of "entitlement". Right now we have an entitlement health care system. Those with money are entitled to it, and everybody else can simply fall over dead. Medicine should never have been turned over to the private ...sector, health shouldn't be a for-profit program. Otherwise the rich have better health than the working class, the divide between rich and poor widens to the point where we no longer have a middle class. Some (You maybe?) may be fine with working class people being stuck in poverty with no health care while the rich live long lives lavishly, but I think we should get what we earn. You are assuming that only the poorest in the nation are going to profit from HCR, and that they're sitting on their lazy butts waiting for a hand out. That's an erroneous stereotype perpetrated by the TP/GOP. Most are desperate for jobs and health care that they can afford. When the rich have special needs children, they'd just pay out of pocket. When the middle class and poor have special needs children, they end up paying for the funeral."
I'd like to know how now, when homelessness is at an all-time high because of home foreclosures, we can dismiss the homeless as not being worthy of health care? Do people like this fellow still envision the "homeless" as just the mentally deranged man walking the streets, drinking from a brown paper bag, talking to himself?
Even this man deserves our compassion, but for those unable to produce that much empathy, it needs to be known that this isn't the sole face of homelessness. Especially not now. Now we have entire families that are homeless, people that use to have solid jobs, even six figure jobs, that were caught up in the recession. Jobs lost, home foreclosed on, now they have no place to call their own.
When did we become so ruthless, so selfish, that we didn't care about those less fortunate than ourselves? I am not a Christian, but I seem to have a more Christ-like point of view than several (by no means all) of those that do call themselves Christians. They're what my dad would have called "the Sunday Christian Bunch".
I think people are letting their politics get in the way of their values. Since caring for the poor and needy seems to be a liberal concept, too many are turning against it to show their "conservative values". I wish we could be a little less liberal and conservative, and be a little more HUMAN.
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